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“We are Internet Marketing firm helps you build a Roadmap for the success of your business by writing an effective strategy & enhancing brand value with combination of Art & Technology”

A Brief Heading

Our Story

In the bustling heart of Mumbai in 2007 a small web development firm initially called as Rachna Studio was founded. Our vision was as bright as the city lights. We coded websites, did graphics designing and bringing ideas to life in the digital realm. But, much like the ever-evolving landscape of technology, craved more.

Recognizing the clear signal of change brought by the growing influence of social media, we transformed and emerged as Rangblaze Media Private Limited (aka DigiMukh). Social media optimization became our war cry, a mantra we fervently preached to businesses of all sizes.

Our journey faced challenges as algorithms shifted, platforms evolved, and the digital battlefield underwent constant change. Undeterred, we persevered, honing our skills, staying ahead of the curve, and evolving into digital warriors.

Over the years, Rangblaze not only survived but thrived. We burgeoned from a handful of employees into a dynamic team of strategists, designers, and social media mavericks. Crafting captivating campaigns that resonated with audiences, Rangblaze’s touch revolutionized online presence for local businesses and global brands alike.

Targeted social media ads breathed new life into a struggling restaurant, and a data-driven marketing strategy propelled an e-commerce store to unprecedented heights. Each victory bore witness to our unwavering dedication, enriching our ever-growing success story cabinet.
Our digital toolkit flourished, with Google Ads, Meta Ads, and Amazon Ads as our precision instruments, painting vivid pictures on the vast digital canvas. Branding transcended from concept to art form as we empowered businesses not just to establish an online presence but to flourish in the digital marketplace.

At Rangblaze, our relentless pursuit of innovation drove us to foresee the potential of automation and readily embrace it. WhatsApp APIs and AI tools became our stalwart allies, streamlining workflows and amplifying efficiency for our clients.

As the company celebrates its 16th anniversary, it reflects on the milestones achieved and the lessons learned. The journey from Rachna Studio to Rangblaze Media Private Limited is not just a corporate transformation, it’s a story of resilience, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of digital excellence. While the evolving digital landscape may present new challenges, but Rangblaze remains poised to illuminate the path forward, guiding businesses through the ever-changing terrain of the digital world.

Core Values

At the heart of our operations lie core values that shape every aspect of our services:

Innovation: We thrive on innovation, constantly exploring new avenues to deliver avant-garde solutions.

Integrity: Our commitment to ethical practices and transparency underscores every client interaction.

Excellence: We pursue excellence in every project, striving to surpass expectations and deliver outstanding results.

Collaboration: Collaborative partnerships form the cornerstone of our approach, fostering a cohesive journey toward success.

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We specialize in developing high-performance websites optimized for search engines, ensuring superior user experiences

We’ve catered to a diverse range of clients, providing top-notch website solutions tailored to their needs

• Region based Search Engine Optimisation
• Content Optimising (Improving display)
• Google Maps, Local Business Listening
• Impactful Google Ads campaigns

• Analysing Business Profiles, Optimising for optimum audience
• Insight review, ads optimisation, targeting audience, location etc.
• Facebook Creator Studio
• Identification and Banning of Bots, Fake Profile, Anti Elements etc.
• Graphics & Animated Content Creation as per Facebook Guidelines
• Ideal use of Keywords, Hashtags, Profiles, Locations, Emotions etc.

• Innovative Campaign Designing & Execution as per Industry Benchmarks
• Accelerated Leads Generation
• Live reporting system

Ensuring compliance with Indian CYBER LAW – Information Technology Act, 2000, to safeguard websites and social media profiles

• Strategic Brand Development
• Analytics
• Data-Driven Consumer Understanding
• Build Brand Awareness

Conceptualizing content strategies for online, print, mobile, and outdoor media, ensuring a compelling brand narrative